Pet Care Tips

Canine Vaccinations

Schedule for all canines that have received colostrum (early mother’s milk), highest in protective antibodies. Hand-raised (bottle fed) dogs shall be vaccinated at your doctor’s direction.


(Distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, coronavirus, parvovirus)

Puppies should begin vaccinations at six weeks of age, then receive two boosters three weeks apart, and a yearly booster.

Rabies Vaccine

Rabies should be given 12-15 weeks of age, then boostered yearly. Bottle-fed, fostered puppies will be vaccinated according to your doctor’s discretion.


This is an optional vaccine given at the frequency regulated by your boarding or grooming facility. First vaccine is given locally (internasal, the preferred method) or subcutaneously no earlier than four weeks of age. Labeled for one year efficacy (your boarding/grooming facility may require an every six month booster).

Feline Vaccine Protocol

Schedule for all felines that have received colostrum (early mother’s milk), highest in protective antibodies. Hand-raised (bottle fed) cats shall be vaccinated at your doctor’s direction.


(Viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia, feline leukemia)

Kittens should begin vaccinations at six weeks of age with two boosters given three weeks apart, then boostered yearly.

Dental Care

Healthy teeth play a major role in the well-being of your animal. Bad breath may be a sign of dental disease. Gingivitis, tartar, and periodontal disease can release bacteria into the bloodstream stressing internal organs, leading to disease. Starting with your pet’s first exam our doctors will check your pet’s mouth for any signs of discomfort or disease. Your doctor will set up an individualized plan for your pet’s healthy teeth and mouth.